“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires
 in people’s minds.”  –Samuel Adams

March 30, 2025


On February 17, 2025, several hundred anti-Trump protesters demonstrated at City Hall in St. Augustine, Florida. On March 4, 2025, an additional demonstration took place in front of the Castillo de San Marcos by the Communist faction of the Democrat Party which promoted continuing support for the Ukrainian war. Most recently, on March 26, 2025, another Communist Democrat anti-Trump event was held at the Castillo de San Marcos. Each of these events received media coverage on major Jacksonville TV channels. The coverage was highly manipulated in support of the Communist cause and promoted the Democrat candidate, Josh Weil, in the special election for the 6th congressional seat recently vacated by Republican, Micheal Waltz.
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The 1st and 6th congressional seats in Florida are having special elections on April 1, 2025. The balance of power in the House of Representatives is dangerously close. This has Florida Republicans concerned from Governor DeSantis down. There are reports that Democrats have raised 10 million dollars for Josh Weil’s campaign in the 6th District. The demonstrations and the favorable media exploitation raises the question, “What is the local Republican Executive Committee (REC) doing about the sizable protests in St. Augustine”? The answer to that question is, “Nothing.”

St. Augustine’s historic district has been the scene of political demonstrations going back to the civil rights era in the 1960s. With the advent of the Tea Party Movement in 2009 demonstrations ,rallies and protests have been prevalent in the historic district. The St. Augustine Tea Party (SATP) had been the prominent grassroots political player in St. Augustine long after other Tea Parties failed nationally. The newly re-elected SATP Board on July 11, 2023, changed the group’s focus shifting from Tea Party values and activities to Republican partisan politics. Within a month or two the SATP’s members stopped attending meetings. The SATP was a grassroots Tea Party which was not allied with any political party. The Tea Party members were just not interested in participating in partisan politics. Failure to hold the required annual meeting, on July 9, 2024, sealed the fate of the SATP. The SATP’s Town Criers have continued to function but at a reduced level. The source of younger Town Crier participants was from the open bimonthly SATP meetings. The SATP’s demise has left an unopposed opportunity for street activity for the “Marxist Left.”

The third and most recent demonstration, formed by the Democrat Party, was challenged by former SATP members and elements of a 3% group. A Jeep flying a Gadsden Flag and a Trump Flag made numerous trips past the Communist demonstrators. The driver made the following comment:

“From my view from the Jeep, we were completely outnumbered. I couldn't even see our guys in the crowd. At one point, a Communist attacked the Jeep. He faked being hit by the Jeep. He stepped directly in front of the Jeep. I was barely moving as I had slowed to a near stop in an attempt to pickup a passenger. The Communist placed his hands on my hood and then used his arms to push off. It could have looked like I hit him, but I didn't. Others were moving towards the Jeep, so I just kept moving. I have seen this technique before. Shortly after Trump’s election in 2016, something similar happened at the Plaza. It could have been the same guy. We were outnumbered. I estimated the crowd to be about 100 plus. We had 6 people resisting. To those who were pushing back, the words ‘Home of the Brave’ had meaning.”

There were a few tourists around who were very supportive. However on the side streets the city's Communist population was apparent.

Doug Russo is a seasoned “Street Pastor” and protester. Our SATP Reporter was impressed with the skill shown by Russo in dealing with a hostile crowd who pushed and shoved, often using the National Park Rangers to protect his rights.

Where were the Republicans? Where were those who claimed to love America? Without public confrontation, Trump will be blind to the forces opposing him. Reports are that more of these anti-Trump rallies are planned across Florida and the country.


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March 20, 2025

Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)

The acts were passed to clean up French working against the U.S. and creating unsafe conditions globally. THE UNITED STATES HAS NEVER BEEN IN A DECLARED STATE OF WAR WITH FRANCE! The "quasi-war", as the war with France was identified, was the same as the "WAR ON DRUGS", "THE KOREAN WAR", "THE VIETNAM WAR", "THE AFGHANISTAN WAR", "THE FIRST GULF WAR", "THE IRAQ WARS, "THE INVASIONS OF PANAMA AND GRENADA", and another dozen "wars" around the globe where the U.S. has had its soldiers fight and die on foreign soil. NONE OF THESE WERE WARS DECLARED BY CONGRESS. The general identification of all of these "wars" was a "police action". What POTUS is doing today is legal and within the act listed above, which was passed during what amounted to a police action, both inside and outside the jurisdictional boundaries of our nation. THE FEDERAL COURT HAS NO JURISDICTION AND THE PRESIDENT SHOULD IGNORE ANY ATTEMPT FOR THE JUDICIARY TO RESTRICT HIS POWER TO USE ANY LEGAL AUTHORITY TO DEFEND US FROM EVIL. Well done Mr. President! Carry on!

March 15, 2025


By Roderick T. Beaman

Donald J. Trump’s speech before Congress on March 4 was an abject lesson on the state of the current Democratic Party. A sweep of their assembled Representatives and Senators showed an assortment of angry, contemptuous, hate filled miscreants.

Not one applauded at anything, not even for Devarjay Daniel the boy who had battled brain cancer. He had wanted to be a cop and Trump had an honorary Secret Service membership conferred on him. Sean Curran, the director of the Secret Service who conferred the membership smiled and people who knew him said they had never seen him smile. It was a time to place politics aside but the Democrats didn’t budge. How does anyone justify that? Human beings don’t & the Democrats didn’t.

What was even worse were the commentators, exemplified by the insensate Niccolo Wallace with this wonderful statement. “I hope he has a long life as a law enforcement officer. But I hope he never has to defend the United States Capitol against Donald Trump’s supporters, and if he does, I hope he isn’t one of the six who loses his life to suicide, and I hope he isn’t one who has to testify against the people who carried out acts of seditious conspiracy and then lived to see Donald Trump pardon those people." This is the type of garbage that we have to endure.

Anything such as that would have been unthinkable 25 years ago but Hillary’s characterization of her opponent’s supporters as ‘deplorables’ paved the way for this deterioration. Her opponent at that time was Donald J. Trump.

It was the first time in America history that a candidate attacked the opponent’s supporters! The idea of campaigns was to persuade them to switch their support. It ushered in this era and what we have now is its culmination.

Blue collar workers, who used to be a reliable mainstay of the Democratic Party, are no longer welcome in the party. They are despised.
As disgusted as I was at this, I was not really surprised which should raise even more questions. That is the level to which the Democrats have sunk. There’s very little below it but the Democrats are capable of reaching it.

William F. Buckley, Jr. was the chief architect of the post-war resurgence of conservatism in public forums in America. Progressivism had dominated intellectual debate for decades with government being our assumed salvation. It had resulted in Italian Fascism, German National Socialism and Soviet Socialism but that didn’t matter to the intelligentsia. Buckley and others had the audacity to question that but it remains sacrosanct in our institutions especially, our schools. That is the root of the current state of the Democratic Party. They have no room for any doubt of their righteous status.
Buckley did break with libertarian godfather Murray Rothbard over foreign policy and he earned the ire of many on the Right, most notably Rothbard and The John Birch Society for his interventionist views. He had worked for two years as a member of the Central Intelligence Agency and I have not a shred of doubt that the CIA supplied him with seed money for founding National Review with its interventionist position.

But nevertheless, Buckley was an astute observer of the liberal mind and he once said that liberal intolerance isn’t just hostility to other opinions but astonishment that there even is another opinion. This is where the Democratic Party is today. They are the philosophic children of Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc. and that includes their propensity to violence. It’s significant that that very few of them, if any, have unequivocally condemned the violence that has accompanied the election of Donald J. Trump. It’s highly unlikely that it will change anytime soon.

But progressives have been nothing, if not resourceful, when pursuing their goals. When they began their drive for homosexual marriage, they cited the ‘full faith & credit’ clause of The Constitution, that was long considered nearly unenforceable, to force other states where it was not legal to recognize marriages from states where it was. Now they accuse Pres. Trump of constitutional violations without citing precisely how.
It is wonderful that people are beginning to pay attention to The Constitution and everyone should actually read & discuss it. That should inevitably lead to questions about the current extent of the federal government. My own opinion is that the Tenth Amendment leaves no doubt that about 90% of the federal government should not exist. The Tenth Amendment has been ignored.

The Democratic Party now has nowhere to go. They are out of fresh ideas. America is as socialist as it is likely to ever be and Americans are asking some uncomfortable questions about that and even more uncomfortably why.

Their constituency is rioting and burning Teslas. That’s uncivilized but Democratic leaders say nothing, in tacit approval. Their judges are issuing orders to the executive in violation of the separation of powers. That’s unconstitutional.

Its leaders are lockstep in abortion rights with no limitations & forcing citizens, who consider it ‘tantamount to murder (Al Gore’s words)’, to finance it. That’s barbaric & immoral.

Now, they are turning on their own as exemplified by the opprobrium directed at their colleague, Chuck Schumer for endorsing a temporary budget agreement that will keep the government in operation. Nothing short of the complete devotion to the destruction of this country will satisfy them.
People are realizing that government is not the solution to our problems but rather is the problem. Government is the God of progressives. People do not accept that assumption.

The Democrats disseminate hatred, contempt, fear and discontent. They have no appreciation of what we have accomplished. They offer nothing of hope and joy for this life & have painted themselves into a corner of unprincipled nihilism, barbarism & despair. Those things don’t win elections.

March 10, 2025

Exit NATO Now!
1984 Revisited…Forever War

In the novel 1984, George Orwell described a totalitarian society in which the rulers created “Forever War” as a means of controlling the masses. An endeavor the intelligent services engage in today. The Mossad, MI6 and the CIA promote Forever Wars to create the conditions they believe will usher in the “Great Reset”. A concept envisioned by the“New World Order” (NWO) globalists, that will control the masses for the benefit of the few elitist masters…. ”Big Bother”.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was originally set up in 1949 by 10 European countries, Canada and the US government to check the westward threat from the Soviet Union. At the time, war torn Europe was unable to defend itself against any potential Communist aggression. The United States shouldered the major part of the burden. The Communist threat ended in 1991 with the fall of the Soviet Union. 34 years later the US is still the major contributor though the NATO goals are different.

Today, NATO has become a tool of the 27 European Union (EU) members and the NWO. NATO has expanded to surround Russia borders directly and supports the NWO’s stated goal of breaking up Russia into smaller states. Potential war has now become actual war in the Ukraine. If NATO gets involved, America could be dragged into a nuclear European war. NATO is actually promoting war instead of preventing war. The United States is no longer in control of whether it goes to war or not. For this reason we have produced the RED Alert regarding NATO.
To view the video click on RED ALERT above.

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March 3, 2025

The Hypocrisy of the Left

By CS Bennett

The left decries the fact that we law abiding citizens do not want illegals here. They proclaim this inhumane and unjust. In their eyes, open borders are moral and just and that these folk just want to come and work here then return home. No, there’s no need to fear any of them. Yet, many of these same elites have brick walls around their property, some live in armed gated communities, while other have hired guns around the clock for protection. I ask, where is their humanity? Where was it when the governor of Florida sent two plane loads of illegals up to Martha's Vineyard during the Biden years? There was no display of humanity, not at all. The response from the bleeding-heart liberal elites was, “Oh, hell no! Not in our backyard.”
Bennett Photo

Those on the left see nothing criminal about crossing our borders and those that have been here for years, that’s alright, too. Just look the other way. It’s just a border we’re talking about. “At the most, we’re talking trespassing.” In my eyes, all of them are lawbreakers because it is written in law that any illegal who enters this country improperly is breaking the law. Besides, a nation without borders is not a nation at all. Add to this, a nation without laws, or respect for the rule of law, will become lawless.

I am a US citizen myself, yet, let me try to Bogart my way into Area 51, or enter the grounds of the White House unescorted and uninvited, and see if I am not arrested, interrogated, and charged with trespassing. That is, if I’m not shot dead first. We have limitation of access on private and government properties here in the U.S.A., and that includes the property of our tax paying citizens. Altogether, we’re talking the United States, so, if you enter here illegally, it’s akin to entering my home uninvited.

On the fast pace at which illegals are now being deported from our borders and shores under President Donald J. Trump, the left had no problem with the fast pace these same illegals were being imported here, some even flown in under the cover of darkness by the thousands…
On Elon Musk and his arm jester that the left claimed to be reminisce of a Hitler salute, they had no problem when their side was doing it and we have exposed this hypocrisy for all to see.

On removing children from their parents when they were brought here illegally, and that parent was incarcerated, the left apparently has a problem with this. Yet, we remove children from the custody of their parents when that parent is placed under arrest. We do not send that child to prison, plain and simple. The left seems to have forgotten Elian Gonzales, whose mother and her boyfriend drowned during her efforts to escape Cuba and head for freedom in the United States. Her young son was placed with relatives of his in Miami until AG Janet Reno, under Bill Clinton, moved to take that frightened young boy forcefully from his relatives and return him to Cuba, thus nullifying that boy’s mother efforts, which included losing her life to get him here.

The point I am making here is that whenever the left accuses freedom lovers of being inhumane, unjust, bigots and racists, we just need to hold a mirror to their faces… In that mirror lies the truth for all to see…

Much like government run schools that graduate students who are less knowledgeable, less-informed, and incapable of distinguishing a man from a woman, because of the garbage that’s been put into their heads, the same goes for the elites who believe they are well-informed, quite knowledgeable, and have superior insight when it comes to politics, and all because they watch CNN, MSNBC, the alphabet news channels, and PBS and NPR. in the end, they are just as ignorant, just as lost, and just as uninformed and misinformed as the children mentioned above who are being propagandized and brainwashed in government run schools and colleges…

But there is hope! They say there is a new sheriff in town. We all know his name. I say, give these bureaucratic elitists until sundown to clear the SWAMP. If they don’t, arrest them, perp-walk them, and show the rest of us that there are consequences for those behind this thing called the resistance, no matter what their title or last name is… Yes, America is back!!! And the world has taken noticed. For their survival, and world peace, they just ought to…

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