“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires
 in people’s minds.”  –Samuel Adams

February 20, 2025

Gold and Currency

By Lance Thate 
TCCR Staff Screenshot

Massive gold transfers from London to the USA have been going on for sometime. So much so that the London Bullion Market, the largest gold depository in the world, has been unable to meet timely contracts for gold delivery.

Speculation is that the only identity with pockets deep enough to cause this large inflow, is the US Treasury. Gold experts are reporting that Trump may be planning to monetizing the national debt by creating a gold backed currency and ending the Federal Reserve. Ron Paul fans would be delighted. Whether it is possible, it seems to me, will depend on how much gold the Treasury still owns. That's what Musk's gold audit is about. Also the exact amount of US currency in circulation isn't known due to manipulations by the Fed; a private bank system created by the Congress. This is revolutionary. It's like going back to the time of Andrew Jackson.

February 15, 2025

Conversations With My Babies: Pete Hegseth & DOGE

Dear Ms. Lunelle,

On Thursday afternoon February 13, 2025 my babies would come to my door and, after prayer, Malik would say, "...Mr. HK we have an agreement among us that Facebook would deem you a dangerous person for several reasons:

You were not the only person in that Honor Guard in the Christmas Parade in Zephyrhills, Florida. However, you were a Black man who had the nerve and audacity to don that uniform of the Southern Soldier with his Colors in hand, go in among the people garnering hugs, kisses, handshakes, pats on the back, Rebel Yells from even the people on the Viewing Stand who called out.."that's our HK Edgerton! And, Sir, for those bigoted Southern Haters of Facebook, you are a clear danger to the lies that they and people who visit their page tell about the South, its heritage and its people...And please comment on DOGE Mr. HK.”

I would tell them that what DOGE is finding out is the propensity to stealing is humongous in the Government arena. And that none of this is new or shocking to those of us who were born in the former Confederate States of America. The only difference is that our ancestors took the legal course of secession as their remedy.

They had seen and had enough. That remedy or course of action is no longer available for the American people. The legal right to do so was legislated after 1865.

If Hegseth was as brave and noble as we of the South thought he was, then he shouldn't waffle about putting the names of our ancestors back in the place of honor and permanency intended by his predecessors and also return the New South Reconciliation Memorial Cenotaph Shrine in Arlington National Cemetery. Picking a veteran from the north, no matter his service, is not in the spirit of reconciliation that was the genesis of the name of Fort Bragg and is a slap in the face to the Southern people.

My mom taught her children that the truth is the light of the world, and like most Southerners we want President Trump to succeed, yet, like those ladies who stood with President McKinley and fulfilled his dream of a Reconciliation Memorial at Arlington, we also have our doubts as we watch a United States Congress, a Department of Defense turning a blind eye as a known disgraced liar (Elizabeth Warren) from the Senate violated Constitutional Law (10th Amendment) to introduce a Corruption of Blood Bill of Attainder to smear the good names of Robert E. Lee and those in his service and to tear down a Shrine of forgiveness that only the Almighty God and the Southern people would find the Grace to do.

And even though we in the South applaud President Trump, we shall never applaud or forgive Hegseth for selling our ancestors short, and never shall we turn our backs on what we believe ..."The South Was Right;" there were no traitors or insurrectionists who made a righteous Stand in the War for Southern Independence!

God bless you! Your brother, HK

• Chairman, Board of Advisors Emeritus Southern Legal Resource Center
• Member, Save Southern Heritage Florida
• Recipient, National Sons of Confederate Veterans H.L. Hunley Award
• Recipient, National Order of the Confederate Rose Life Time Achievement Award
• Recipient, Virginia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans General Robert E. Lee Medal
• Recipient, South Carolina Division Sons of Confederate Veterans Citizen of the Year Award
• Recipient, Mississippi Division Sons of Confederate Veterans John F. Harris Award
• Recipient, United Daughters of the Confederacy Texas Division President Jefferson Davis Medal

February 10, 2025


By Roderick T. Beaman

The transition to Donald J. Trump’s second act was unlike any that I ever remember and I doubt that there has been anything like it in history. It almost seemed as if former President Trump was already president once the election result was undeniable. He completely eclipsed the lame-duck Joseph Biden. Foreign dignitaries were behaving as if he was President by November 15. Joe Biden became an afterthought.
TCCR Staff Photo

The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is something that should be supported by everyone. Endless layers of bureaucrats who do little or nothing have been the stuff of jokes for decades. They are part of The Deep State that just stays on and on and on, no matter who is in office. And since there is no free market competition for government, supervisors love having more bureaucrats under themselves; it makes their positions more immune from termination, so the bureaucracy and Deep State just grow & grow.

It would be great if the Department of Government Efficiency got rid of unnecessary personnel but it would be far better if they began to question whether many departments should even exist, due to constitutionality. By the Tenth Amendment, the vast majority of the federal government is unconstitutional. It reads, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

There is nothing ambiguous about this, neither in word nor spirit. The wording leaves no wiggle room. If a power was not specifically delegated to the federal government, it is unconstitutional for the federal government to assume it. No amount of debate is possible, try as judges and lawyers might to argue otherwise.

The context of it is important. The states were very jealous of their autonomy and did not want to be unnecessarily subordinate to any federal government.

Many, if not most, citizens regarded themselves as New Yorkers, Virginians or Georgians. The thirteen states were thirteen countries.

Two states instructed their delegates to The Constitutional Convention not to draft a new constitution. Two states had established religions and Rhode Island didn’t even send a delegate.

The Convention finalized The Constitution in September 1787 and Delaware became the first state to ratify it on December 7. New Hampshire became the ninth state in June 1788 which confirmed it to replace of The Articles of Confederation.

The Federalist Papers were circulated in various newspapers of the day, much of them authored by Alexander Hamilton, as an assurance to reluctant states, especially New York to ratify. New York would have been the ninth and confirming state.

There was spirited opposition from many quarters, much of it led by freedom firebrand Patrick Henry of Virginia. The collection of the documents is called The Anti-Federalist Papers.

By the time George Washington was inaugurated president on April 30, 1789, all but North Carolina and Rhode Island had ratified. North Carolina ratified in November but Rhode Island held out until May of 1790, 32 months after its finalization.

One story cites George Washington as so frustrated with RI that he wanted to invade it and split it between Massachusetts and Connecticut. Another, is that Congress was threatening to begin treating it as a foreign country with tariffs and other inconveniences. A special session of its legislature was called and voted for ratification by 34-32. It was the only state to ratify by legislative action rather than ratification convention.

Thomas Jefferson is regarded by many Americans as a Founding Father but while he had written The Declaration of Independence he had no hand in drafting The Constitution, being distracted by his duties in Paris as Ambassador to France. Reports indicate that when he returned the America in November 1789, he was very upset with the document but it was already in effect.

It took 9 months for The Constitution to be confirmed effective and 32 months for ratification by all the states. It’s obvious that there was a lot of reluctance for its approval. It is crucial to realize that The Constitution was not meant to be an enabler for federal power but as a strait jacket on it. The problem with it is that there are no teeth in it to punish violators. That was an unfortunate oversight by The Founders. They just assumed that government would abide by it, a flaw that was fatal for our freedom. So Congress and Presidents just went out passing any laws they wanted. During our entire history, all doubt must devolve against any further empowerment of the federal government.

The purpose of the Constitution was laid out in The Preamble thusly; “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” In a few words to protect us from each other and foreign enemies and that was it.

As government’s functions have expanded far beyond its constitutional duties, its effectiveness in its original functions has decreased, often precipitously. The federal government has become far more than an incidental in our lives and that likely is the reason presidential campaigns have become so lengthy & expensive.

So back to Donald J. Trump. I began writing this entire article, before his inauguration. He has now been president for 20 days, this Super Bowl Sunday. All recent presidents have been measured by their first 100 days, it seems beginning with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first 100 days when he imposed much of his New Deal on the country. We are still struggling with the burdens of many of those programs which cemented government’s place as the bloated monster it is in our lives today. The federal government is, at least, 90% too large.

Donald J. Trump has been moving at speeds to be measured in hundreds of hours. It has all been breathtaking.

Much of what he has done was simply reversing Pres. Joseph Biden’s Executive Orders. But he is now going far beyond that, proposing new legislation and even targeting The Department of Education and other travesties for elimination. That was something that even Ronald Reagan had campaigned on but never even tried to do.

It is interesting to see how the Left reacts when it doesn’t get its way. Donald J. Trump has promised to seek out and deport illegal immigrants through Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. They will enter sanctuary cities and states to gather them.

Now, at least one sanctuary state official is pointing out that he knows what his state’s rights are under the Tenth Amendment. Just as they tried to use the ‘full faith & credit’ clause to force states to accept homosexual marriages from other states.
Liberals have often used the Supremacy Clause of the Sixth Article to beat the states & the people into submission when the federal government passed laws with little or no constitutional authority & even in direct violation of it. Employment laws are excellent examples. So now they plan to use The Tenth Amendment that they used to spurn.

A full discussion of The Tenth Amendment is long overdue. The limits of federal power have never been delineated. When any human problem emerges, there are people who will immediately turn to government for the solution. And if there is no problem, liberals will find one to solve.

The most ludicrous had to have been the Day Care ‘silent crisis’ that Hillary discovered. It was so silent that nobody had heard about it but it gives an example of how deep liberals desire to plunge into our lives to control us. Day Care. Another opportunity to undermine the family.

The confrontation at USAID headquarters could be a harbinger of things to come. It came very close to a full blown assault on the security guard who remained cool but resolute & Maxine Waters had recommended such confrontations during the Trump I presidency. Those demonstrators banging on that door was far worse than the walk-through that began the January 6 events that liberals have distorted into an insurrection. At worst it was a demonstration that some took to vandalism, as often happens but no weapons were found. How could it have been an insurrection?

Thomas Jefferson once wrote that ‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.’
History has shown that tipping points have often been reached through very minor prods and have often caused changes far from the anticipated. With violence very near the surface and liberals citing the Tenth Amendment, we could be in for the very interesting times the Chinese warned about.

A full debate on the role of government in our lives is also long overdue. The federal government was never meant to be the solution to our social problems. It has become not a guarantor of freedom but an obstacle to it and even a tyranny.

Let’s hope it doesn’t deteriorate into the violence that has often become an opportunity for the Left to seize power. The goal is freedom, not the tyranny of progressivism’s ‘what’s best for us.’ So, this transition could be one of historic dimensions.

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January 30, 2025

Who Needs a Pardon?
By CS Bennett

A democrat pundit once asked Trump if he would ever accept a pardon and his response was, "No, why should I? I haven't done anything wrong."

Now, fast-forward to the Biden Crime Family, or whoever is pulling the strings behind the curtain for them, and like little children caught breaking into a candy store, they feel they are exempted from having to face the consequences of their actions. Yet, these same people had no problem persecuting Trump and Republicans in ways that were illegal and unconstitutional. Now, they are using the power of the pardon to absolve themselves of facing any accountability. For me, this is another abuse of power, and on a grand scale, and it needs to be checked. Like Trump said, he did nothing wrong, so, he doesn't need a pardon. Now, let that sink in.
Bennett Photo

However, if this Biden-led mafia did nothing wrong, why all of the preemptive pardons? What? They have no trust in our legal system. If you ask me, they never did. That is why they took the illegal and unconstitutional route when they went after Trump. They made up things along the way and lied about other things in their efforts to take Trump down, and the Republicans with him.

Sure, it was President Ford who pardoned Nixon although he had not been charged with anything. Many justified this by saying it was done in the name of saving the country from going through an embarrassing impeachment process and to silence those in the court of public opinion who wanted Nixon's head. Biden and the Democrats have taken this pardon power to a new level. It's a free get-out-of-jail card for any, and all, crimes except murder. If this stands, anyone who has an agenda that is corrupt and deceptive going into office and that mindset is backed by the current president in office; those carrying out this any nefarious scheme can always count on being pardoned when it is time to face the law.

This preemptive pardon ruse is a travesty of justice on a nuclear strike scale and must be challenged. The integrity and survival of our republic demands a resolution to this madness. No doubt, this is going to have to be decided by our highest court. But Congress must act! And we the people must make our voices heard and loudly. Failure to do so, and government officials and their cohorts will continue to feel free to disrupt and destroy the lives of their political enemies and never be held accountable. They will go on living their privileged life while you rot in jail or have your reputation ruined. Again, this cannot stand and must be taken to the highest court in the land... The US Supreme Court. If we fail there, this will be the death of America...

What A Pardon Means
A pardon is a governmental decision to absolve an individual from a criminal conviction, oftentimes freeing him from all or part of the punishment imposed at sentencing. Pardons are typically granted by the President or individual state governors, usually to absolve individuals, but may be granted, in certain circumstances, for groups of people. Federal pardons are granted by the President of the United States, and each state’s law dictates with whom the power to grant state pardons lies.

The definitions:

1. The forgiveness of an offense
2. The release from penalty for an offense
3. To make an allowance or to excuse from an offense
4. To release a person from liability for an offense

The Types of Pardons:

• Full– absolves an individual of the conviction and all consequences of the crime, unconditionally.
• Absolute– absolution granted to an individual without any conditions.
• Partial– absolves an individual from only part of the punishment or consequences of the crime for which he was convicted.
• Conditional– given with certain specific conditions that must be fulfilled by the individual seeking the pardon, before the pardon would go into effect. Other conditions may include conditions or acts after the pardon is granted in order to keep the pardon from becoming void.

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January 25, 2025

Free at Last Free at Last
Thank God They are Free at Last...

On Martin Luther King Day, January 20, 2025, the 47th President, Donald John Trump, pardoned 1500 plus J6 political prisoners.  

TCCR Staff Photos
Ben Pollock’s adult children, Jonathan and Olivia Pollock, have been released and are now free. Ben Pollock was recently interviewed by TCCR reporters.

The national leader of OathKeepers, Steward Rhodes, was one of the 1500 released with a pardon by President Trump

Promises made Promises Kept

Judge Persecutes Rhodes after Pardon 
District Judge, Amit Mehta, bars Rhodes from Washington, DC after Trump’s pardon on January 20th. The Judge stripped Rhodes of his Constitutional rights of free speech, the right to assemble at the Capital and also is preventing Rhodes access to his Congressional representatives. Mehta has ruled against Trump on several occasions and jailed Peter Navarro, a Trump adviser. Mehta was appointed by known Communist, Barack Obama. This Judge needs to be held accountable for such unconstitutional acts.

Another high profile figure was also pardoned. The national leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, is now free. Tarrio had been sentenced for 22 years.
TCCR Screenshot

Deep State Pushing Back
For Patriots who love America, the last five days have been a whirlwind of exciting promises of change. Actually getting the 47th President into the White House without incident was a great victory. Having the President sign Executive Orders (EO) in the “Capitol Building” and then in the “Oval Office” on day one was exhilarating to both sides of the issue; one with joy and the other with horror. The pardoning of the political prisoners took hours; it has taken almost a week to get jailed Patriots to freedom. Even with a cut and dry issue like pardons, the bureaucrats in the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) are resisting the EOs.

If the people who are protecting the Deep State are not held accountable for their acts, then all of the EOs will be just for show.

There are still 10 to 11 pardoned Patriots who are not being given their freedom.
