“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires
 in people’s minds.”  –Samuel Adams

December 7, 2024


The Date That Will Live in Infamy

I had the good fortune of coming of age about halfway between the World War II Naval Photo 1941 generation and the Baby Boomers. Well, I guess that the good fortune part would depend on your value system. At any rate, it Is not surprising that “The Date That Will Live in Infamy” December 7, 1941, has a greater importance to me that most of my fellow citizens would have. In fact, the attack on Pearl Harbor is one of my most early memories. I was playing on the floor, aged four, when the radio broadcasts announced the “Dastardly Attack” as it was called then. I don’t claim to remember the broadcast but I do remember, to this day, the apprehension that was created in my parents and their friends who had been enjoying a Sunday afternoon of playing cards.

Fast-forward 83 years to St. Augustine Florida and the City’s 67h annual Christmas parade:
I don’t think that December 7, 1941 was on anyone’s mind, but, say mine. Now, it is not that I do not appreciate getting over bad things and finding peace in forgiveness. Time itself is healing. But history is history. This historical event has been erased from the memory of many of the younger generations by our educational system. Many cannot even identify the century that WW II was fought in.

There is a Cultural War going on. And I can only wonder if our “Left-Wing City Officials” simply overlooked the fact that December 7 is a day of remembrance for the brave men who died on this date or was it a deliberate Cultural War attack choosing December 7th for the day of a festive parade. A FB Image reasonable question, because the more recent attack on 9/11, where a similar number of Americans died, is also systematically being deleted from the public’s consciousness by the mainstream media. At least that’s what they’re attempting to do. In 23 short years, the public is subjected to attempts of manipulation by the City officials in New York and the media’s deliberate attempt to restrict the images of the twin tower disaster from being published. From my perspective, 83 years is a long time ago. But 23 years, is that too long ago to remember?

Things don’t just happen in a vacuum. The Cultural War in America has been going on since the Wilson administration. But its intensity has increased greatly in the Bush, Clinton and the Obama/Biden years. The Communist’s Bible, “Rules for Radicals”, written by his Holiness Saul Alinsky, is largely responsible for the phenomena.

The strategy of the Cultural War is rather simple. Eliminate the history that binds people together in a common identity. Without a history, people haven’t a clue of whom and what they are. It makes them vulnerable to the nonsense we see today in our media, in our schools, in our entertainment and the utterances of those politicians who think they have an inherent right to rule.

The Americans that I grew up with would never allow or consider being ruled. There was a thing back then called American Exceptionalism. Ronald Reagan touched on it when promoted the idea of “A Shining City on the Hill”. What truly made America great was the understanding that it was the individual that was exalted in our Republic. Every individual American was assumed to have equal justice under the law. Today’s “Social Justice” is trying to replace the concept of equal justice. A struggle between a free individual and an enslaved collective is playing out. At present, there is no dialogue between the opposing forces. There is a media that is not even very good at their propagandized rhetoric. People are not talking to each other. They are choosing sides.

History teaches us what cannot be resolved politically will be resolved in war. Our Constitution requires those who serve in public office to take an oath of office. That oath includes a pledge to preserve protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. True Americans stand with the Constitution. It is the glue which unites us. The Constitution starts with “We the People” and the people will conclude this struggle with reverent reassertion of “We the People”. In 1941, the enemy was foreign. Today, the enemy is domestic. Like WW II there must be ‘unconditional surrender’ of the Communist Left. There is no compromise or coexistence possible.

Lance L. Thate, Editor

December 1, 2024

Red Alert 2

On October 24, 2024, TCCR issued their first Red Alert. The Alert was concerned about massive election fraud planned for the November general election. This warning has been shown to have merit and to be accurate. One only needs to look at the various House and Senate seats that have been reversed from Republican to Democrat using the same tactics used in 2020. However in the Presidential Contest the “To Big to Rig” strategy over came the election fraud with Trump winning 312 electoral votes and the popular vote as well.

Many are enjoying the sweet taste of victory and the Cabinet picks. It is understandable. However being elected and getting into office, in the current corrupt environment, is not an automatic conclusion. The Communists can not permit Trump to take power. The exposure they would face would destroy their agenda permanently. How far the Communist Left will go is demonstrated by the Obama/Biden escalation of the war in the Ukraine. Nuclear war is not off the table. Open the video link above.

TCCR Screenshot

November 30, 2024

AJNLive Photos
We the People do not want War

The leader of the “Free World”, as America was once called, have been fighting a war more or less continually since 1950. This being done without the benefit of a “Declaration of War” as required by Article I, Section 8, Clause 11. Americans have been dying on battlefields across the world since the end of WW2 at the direction of Presidents and the Intelligence Services, namely the CIA. The founding fathers put war making power in the hands of the people. They empowered, “The People’s House”, the House of Representatives with war making decisions.

The Communist Democrat Party along with the leadership of the Republican Party have been engaging in wars, all these years, without the permission of the people of the United States. The Obama/ Biden cabal, in particular, have been enacting a policy designed to take down the Constitutional Republic of the United States. The recent election has shown that the American people are not “Woke”

Recent policy decisions regarding the Ukraine, demonstration the even nuclear war is not off the table. No price is too high to retain power and prevent Trump from being the 47th President,

November 27, 2024

The Ultimate Deep State Solution
(Real Change)

Bennett Photo
By CS Bennett
Giving homage to the original thirteen colonies, and most of its leaders, I continue to fight to keep their freedom experiment alive and well. It was the States that gave birth to our powerful federal government, a government that has become overly restrictive and oppressive. In order to reign in the corruption and intrusive agenda of the Deep State, or better yet eliminate it, we must have a leader who has the courage, and who is willing to risk his/her own life, to go after this secretive and shadowy cabal knowing that it could come at great risk to himself/herself and family. In addition to this, there are other social ills we must address. Without a doubt, some of the items on the list below could cost this leader his/her life should the decision be made to tackle the items on this list. Fortunately, there is one such leader who has returned to prominence. Sure, there have been numerous attempts to take him down, and even kill him, and before he even had a chance to return triumphantly to the SWAMP. They failed, and we won. Could this be the imperfect man anointed to bring about Yahweh's perfect will? Most believe he is. For a second time, he has returned to the Lion’s Den, and thankfully under the protection of the Almighty, I'm talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob… Still, he cannot do this alone. He needs help. The question remains, does the US Congress, controlled by the Republicans, have the stomach, courage, and backbone to right this ship? I know our elected conservative women do. What about the men, especially the male egos that serve in the Senate? I say the American people have spoken. Unite or move out of the way…


1. We need to audit the Federal Reserve Bank. There's nothing federal or American about this unchecked organization.

2. We must go after the authors of the WOKE Agenda, and rid our government-run schools and universities, major corporations, the military, Silicon Valley, the biased media, and Hollywood of this mental illness. And we must close the Woke-inspired invasion at the border.

3. We must go after the massive US intelligence apparatus whose leaders have gone Woke and, in some cases, rogue.

4. We must gut the unjust Justice Department from top to bottom and return the Blind part of the slogan Justice is Blind...

5. We must take down financier George Soros, who has dual citizenship in Hungary and the United States. This malcontent has never been up to any good. He is a Jew who has no allegiance to his faith or countrymen and countrywomen. Acquiring great wealth and destroying world economies in the process is the God he serves. Put him and his son in jail or boot them both out of the country.

6. We must break up our over-bloated bureaucracy, and in some cases, abolish government agencies such as the highly intrusive EPA and the destructive propaganda machine known as the Department of Education whose role has been more a left-wing propaganda factory.

7. We must provide full disclosure of what our government knows about UAPs and what our compartmentalized government may secretly have in its possession. In June of 2021, the U.S. government could not explain 143 of 144 UFO cases reported by military aircraft in a highly anticipated intelligence report released that year thanks to legislation signed off by then President Donald Trump. Need it be said again, our massive, high-tech, covert military and intelligence agencies could only explain 1 out of 144 unexplained cases of unidentified aerial phenomena. Let that sink in. So, what else are they hiding?

8. We must come to terms with AI. If this technology becomes self-aware and self-replicating, who is going to stop it? Safeguards should be put into place now by Congress! Otherwise, we will become unwilling and oppressed subjects of artificial intelligence machines of our own making… Assign Elon Musk to this task.

9. We must eliminate or, at least, streamline the Patriot Act to ensure that we maintain our privacy, freedom, and the spirit of due process. Our US Constitution must reign Supreme!

10. We must take down violent street gangs, narco-terrorists, the Mob, and 1% Bikers with all we have got legally, technology-wise, and manpower-wise. Yes, let’s make our battle-torn neighborhoods safe again. Where is General George S. Patton when you need him?

11. We must create an employment climate where we can feel free, and it is acceptable, to say Merry Christmas, as much as we are free to say Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and for some, Happy Earth Day and Happy Pride Month. Christianity has been vilified by the leaders of the left and purposely.

12. We need to ensure that all Americans of faith can kneel or bow their heads in prayer at public schools and sporting events and throughout the public arena without being harassed, ridiculed, and ostracized.

13. Repeal the 17th Amendment. The founders meant for the House of Representatives to be a two-year term of service to the country representing and serving the interest of the people of the State they were elected in. Members of the Senate were tasked with representing the interests of the State they served. Senators’ longer six-year terms were meant to provide some protection against the federal government having too much power over the States. The Senate’s longer terms and avoidance of popular election turned the Senate into a body that could counter the populism of the House, as well. The Senate’s allegiance to their State and their switch to that of their chosen political party as a result of the 17th Amendment made this an elected office via popular vote. Repeal it! Doing so will help silence a lot of this toxic and hostile partisan environment.

Do these thirteen things and we have a good chance of saving this republic while giving us all a chance at living the American Dream… I believe our Founding Fathers, and most of the thirteen colonies, would be proud of us as we approach the United States' 250th birthday in 2026… What better way to honor their memory than to restore this country to greatness!

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November 15, 2024

By Roderick T. Beaman

The first national contest I really remember was the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon squeaker. The electoral votes transformed Kennedy from a 0.02% plurality to a solid Electoral College majority. But once the election was over, we all looked at Kennedy as our president.

He was likable and witty with good looks and introduced the country to that Kennedy charisma that has fallen on all the Kennedys since. He proposed Medicare and the Peace Corps and they were sold to Americans as a suitable successor to Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) with an abundance of plans that he called The New Frontier to solve all our problems. Though my parents had remained Democrats, because my father was a member of Electricians’ Local Union #3 (one of the most powerful in the country) they voted Republican after voting for FDR in 1932 as they didn’t like what he was doing to the country.                                                                                                                         TCCR Staff Photo

Kennedy, for his part, had been far more conservative than what he’d been sold as. He had a conservative voting record as a Congressman and Senator. His father, Joseph P. Kennedy, and FDR were often at loggerheads, especially over foreign policy. FDR had appointed him as Ambassador to the Court of St. James (Great Britain) partly to get him out of the country and out of the public consciousness.

To boot, Joseph McCarthy had been a frequent guest at The Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port and Papa Joe had wanted one of his daughters to marry McCarthy. Brother Robert had served on McCarthy’s subcommittee and McCarthy was his daughter’s godfather, a meaningful honor in Catholicism.

Many of the targets of McCarthy’s investigations were people who had been ushered into the government during the FDR administration. FDR’s widow, Eleanor, did not like JFK’s voting record and the Kennedys’ association with McCarthy with his tarnishing of FDR’s legacy. She tried to prevent his nomination by the very liberal Liberal Party of New York. The Liberal Party often provided the margin of victory for mostly Democratic nominees and without it, Kennedy might not have taken New York, at that time the largest electoral prize in the country. But the LP nominated him and he went on to victory.

By 1962, I went to New York University, one of the most radical schools in the country and found that it was fashionable to be liberal. But there was a new fly in that ointment.

Barry Goldwater was in his ascendancy to the 1964 Republican presidential nomination. William F. Buckley and his National Review were beginning to make conservatism acceptable in intellectual circles.

Kennedy had great respect and admiration for Barry Goldwater and was looking forward to the 1964 campaign. They had been frequent lunch partners in the Senate. He called Goldwater a man of decency and character. He had no such illusions about Lyndon B. Johnson. The Kennedys despised him.

John F. Kennedy was a man of principle and Lyndon Johnson’s main principle was power—his own. Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963 completely changed the dynamics of the 1964 campaign. What would have been a contest of principles became one of merciless mudslinging by Democrats driven by Lyndon Johnson. It was typified by the infamous TV commercial of a countdown focusing on a little girl picking daisies that ended in a nuclear explosion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDTBnsqxZ3k.

It was appalling and a complete fabrication but it was fine for Lyndon Johnson’s ethics as history has shown. Goldwater saw it, and immediately telephoned Johnson at the White House and told him that if he ran it again, he would sue him. Johnson capitulated and it was never shown again but Johnson never relented on the stump.

National political campaigns would never be the same. The Democrats tried to smear Richard Nixon in 1968 and Jimmy Carter and his Democrats tried to do it to Ronald Reagan in 1980 calling him a fascist and a Nazi as they have nearly every Republican nominee since 2000. Bill Clinton’s campaigns were cleaner without the cheap-shots but since 2000, it has gotten worse and worse with the past three campaigns the worst but with something different added.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton characterized Trump supporters as deplorables. It was the first time in memory that a candidate actually smeared the opponent’s supporters. The function of campaigns had been to persuade others to support your candidate not vilify them.

This vilification was always among the rank and file but it never came from the top. Pres. J. R. Biden has now called Trump supporters garbage adding to the insults. Barack H. Obama has become unhinged in his rhetoric. He always tried to project an image of a thoughtful intellectual.

Many Trump supporters have also descended to that level which is standard operating procedure but I know of not once when Trump has done so. Republican Vice-Presidential nominee, J. D. Vance, has even called for civility.

After one of Barack’s primary victories Michelle Obama said that, for the first time, she felt proud of America. Most people cut her slack for it, including Bill O’Reilly. I didn’t. It seemed to me that it was a well thought out deliberate statement and reflective of her inner beliefs. She had never felt proud of America before. That should tell you something.

Not one prominent Democrat has denounced the mud-slinging. I submit that it is because they approve of it.

Just like progressives, socialists, national socialists, fascists and soviet socialists, Democrats believe that anything is acceptable to achieve their goal of government as God. Anything!

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