“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires
 in people’s minds.”  –Samuel Adams

November 15, 2024

By Roderick T. Beaman

The first national contest I really remember was the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon squeaker. The electoral votes transformed Kennedy from a 0.02% plurality to a solid Electoral College majority. But once the election was over, we all looked at Kennedy as our president.

He was likable and witty with good looks and introduced the country to that Kennedy charisma that has fallen on all the Kennedys since. He proposed Medicare and the Peace Corps and they were sold to Americans as a suitable successor to Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) with an abundance of plans that he called The New Frontier to solve all our problems. Though my parents had remained Democrats, because my father was a member of Electricians’ Local Union #3 (one of the most powerful in the country) they voted Republican after voting for FDR in 1932 as they didn’t like what he was doing to the country.                                                                                                                         TCCR Staff Photo

Kennedy, for his part, had been far more conservative than what he’d been sold as. He had a conservative voting record as a Congressman and Senator. His father, Joseph P. Kennedy, and FDR were often at loggerheads, especially over foreign policy. FDR had appointed him as Ambassador to the Court of St. James (Great Britain) partly to get him out of the country and out of the public consciousness.

To boot, Joseph McCarthy had been a frequent guest at The Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port and Papa Joe had wanted one of his daughters to marry McCarthy. Brother Robert had served on McCarthy’s subcommittee and McCarthy was his daughter’s godfather, a meaningful honor in Catholicism.

Many of the targets of McCarthy’s investigations were people who had been ushered into the government during the FDR administration. FDR’s widow, Eleanor, did not like JFK’s voting record and the Kennedys’ association with McCarthy with his tarnishing of FDR’s legacy. She tried to prevent his nomination by the very liberal Liberal Party of New York. The Liberal Party often provided the margin of victory for mostly Democratic nominees and without it, Kennedy might not have taken New York, at that time the largest electoral prize in the country. But the LP nominated him and he went on to victory.

By 1962, I went to New York University, one of the most radical schools in the country and found that it was fashionable to be liberal. But there was a new fly in that ointment.

Barry Goldwater was in his ascendancy to the 1964 Republican presidential nomination. William F. Buckley and his National Review were beginning to make conservatism acceptable in intellectual circles.

Kennedy had great respect and admiration for Barry Goldwater and was looking forward to the 1964 campaign. They had been frequent lunch partners in the Senate. He called Goldwater a man of decency and character. He had no such illusions about Lyndon B. Johnson. The Kennedys despised him.

John F. Kennedy was a man of principle and Lyndon Johnson’s main principle was power—his own. Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963 completely changed the dynamics of the 1964 campaign. What would have been a contest of principles became one of merciless mudslinging by Democrats driven by Lyndon Johnson. It was typified by the infamous TV commercial of a countdown focusing on a little girl picking daisies that ended in a nuclear explosion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDTBnsqxZ3k.

It was appalling and a complete fabrication but it was fine for Lyndon Johnson’s ethics as history has shown. Goldwater saw it, and immediately telephoned Johnson at the White House and told him that if he ran it again, he would sue him. Johnson capitulated and it was never shown again but Johnson never relented on the stump.

National political campaigns would never be the same. The Democrats tried to smear Richard Nixon in 1968 and Jimmy Carter and his Democrats tried to do it to Ronald Reagan in 1980 calling him a fascist and a Nazi as they have nearly every Republican nominee since 2000. Bill Clinton’s campaigns were cleaner without the cheap-shots but since 2000, it has gotten worse and worse with the past three campaigns the worst but with something different added.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton characterized Trump supporters as deplorables. It was the first time in memory that a candidate actually smeared the opponent’s supporters. The function of campaigns had been to persuade others to support your candidate not vilify them.

This vilification was always among the rank and file but it never came from the top. Pres. J. R. Biden has now called Trump supporters garbage adding to the insults. Barack H. Obama has become unhinged in his rhetoric. He always tried to project an image of a thoughtful intellectual.

Many Trump supporters have also descended to that level which is standard operating procedure but I know of not once when Trump has done so. Republican Vice-Presidential nominee, J. D. Vance, has even called for civility.

After one of Barack’s primary victories Michelle Obama said that, for the first time, she felt proud of America. Most people cut her slack for it, including Bill O’Reilly. I didn’t. It seemed to me that it was a well thought out deliberate statement and reflective of her inner beliefs. She had never felt proud of America before. That should tell you something.

Not one prominent Democrat has denounced the mud-slinging. I submit that it is because they approve of it.

Just like progressives, socialists, national socialists, fascists and soviet socialists, Democrats believe that anything is acceptable to achieve their goal of government as God. Anything!

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November 7, 2024

Pre-Election Excitement... Post Election Anxiety

On November 2, 2024, the Town Criers made an appearance in the historic district of St. Augustine, Florida. The Town Criers have been engaging the public on the streets of St. Augustine for over 13 years.

The purpose of the encounter with the public was to gauge the people’s response to the candidacy of Donald Trump for President. According to the Town Criers, you need two things to find success promoting an idea on St. George Street. First, you need a sample crowd and, second, you need something that interests the audience. Pleasant weather helps too. Apparently the Town Criers had all three. The Town Criers, with their support of Trump, were met with enthusiastic excitement in spite of an underlying anxiety about the election process and rumors of potential violence.

The Town Criers have made several recent visits on behalf of President Trump. This encounter had far more women participating than men. It seems women don’t like men in their restrooms; they don’t like men participating in their sports; and the foolish gender crap turns them off. Surprise! Women like being women. Guess no one told the Democrats.

The people who populate St. George Street are middle class folk who have an interest in the history of their country. They are the people who built America and work to maintain the country. They come from every state in the union. There were a few Harris people. You can spot them without trouble. They are the ones full of hate. One hateful individual told a Town Crier, “We will get Trump on January 6, 2025.” Another called Trump a Nazi. Seasoned Town Criers expose such persons as Communists. The focus on them causes them to run.

Access a video of this event by clicking on the picture above.

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October 30, 2024

Whatever Happened to America?                      

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Communist Presidents

The Progressive Communist movement first reared its ugly face in America at the beginning of the last century, infiltrating the educational system. Institutions of higher learning began taking on Karl Marx's concepts and values.

In 1912 the president of Princeton was elected President of the United States. Woodrow Wilson was the first Progressive Communist President. Wilson was able to get the Constitution amended to create the income tax as the primary source of revenue, replacing a system of tariffs to fund the federal government. President Trump recently said that he is considering reversing this policy. The 16th Amendment was the beginning of a series of policies that put the American people’s liberty at risk. The power of the federal government to tax Americans directly created the means for enslavement. Fast forward to today and the American people live and breathe the “Federal Income Tax” system. What started out as a 1% flat tax on 3% of the population evolved into a progressive tax on middle class producers and it is the determining factor today in business decisions. In addition, the Federal Reserve system was created which turned the money supply over to private bankers. This greatly expanded the politicians’ ability to spend money and it infused the politicians to the great financial institutions. The people lost their influence.

Wilson’s 1913 expansion of federal power also occurred in a lesser known structural change with the passage of the 17th Amendment. The US Senate that had represented the interests of the states was changed from having the state legislatures picking the senators to having a popular vote making the choice. The individual states no longer had a voice. This greatly transferred and concentrated power in the federal government. An important “Balance of Power” was eliminated.

The second American Communist President, elected in 1932, was Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). During his 4 terms, FDR expanded the federal bureaucracy with the creation of a maze of new federal agencies that took root and that we now know as the “Deep State.” FDR accomplished many of his unconstitutional policies by manipulating the Supreme Court. It is a tactic still used today. FDR and his wife, Eleanor, established the United Nations. Today the UN is threatening America’s sovereignty with its agenda 2030 directives and its World Government ambitions.

From the end of the Second World War Presidents of both parties have expanded the Communist agenda. Communists thrive in an environment of corruption. The Communists of the Democrat Party and the Neocons of the Republican party evolved into a Uni-party serving the interests of the international corporate world and the international banking system. The CIA and other intelligence agencies and the military industrial complex are a primary interest of Washington. The everlasting wars and the excessive profits of war-making have corrupted the system to the breaking point.

Obama’s Acceleration of the Communist Transformation
Obama’s Communist background was visible for all to see from the very beginning of his rise to power. On October 30, 2008, Barack Hussein Obama declared, “We’re five days away from the fundamental transformation of the United States.” Given Obama’s background as a Chicago community organizer, styled as a protege of Saul Alinsky, it was clear to anyone who looked that Obama was a Communist.

The Town Criers of St. Augustine Identified Obama Early On

TCCR Staff Photos May 28, 2012
The problem was that, in 2009, no one would use the word Communist among the media, political pundits or the politicians. “Political Correctness” and fear of media persecution held every- one in check. Even the late, great, Rush Limbaugh would not use the word Communist.

On May 28, 2012 the Town Criers started carrying the “Big Red Sign” declaring that “Obama is a Communist” in the historic district of St. Augustine, Florida. The public turned out to be way ahead of the media and the politicians. It turned out to be the most popular sign they ever carried. The Town Criers did not stop until Obama left office. 

Limbaugh Photo

It took Donald Trump to expose the media as fake and to start calling out Communists in America. In the presidential debate with Harris, Trump exposed her as a Communist to her face. Recently in Erie, Pennsylvania, Trump pointed out that Harris skipped Socialism and went directly to Communism.

The problem is that the Communists are out in the open for the first time in over a hundred years. This makes the present time the most dangerous in American history. A vote for Harris will be another 4 years of Obama’s revolution. On the ballot is the choice of slavery under the Communist tyranny or America’s promise of Liberty. 

Chose wisely, America. The world is depending on us to preserve Liberty,

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October 20, 2024

Town Criers Bring Trump to St. George Street 

On October 19, 2024, the Town Criers made an appearance on St. George Street with Donald J. Trump. The Town Criers of St. Augustine. Florida have been engaging the public in the “Historic District” since 2011.

The Town Criers have discovered that the national audience, who visit the oldest city in the North American Continent, functions as a middle-class focus group. The focus group has made predicting Presidential Elections possible with a 100% accuracy since 2012.

The Town Criers report that the appearance, featuring a stand-in for Trump, produced more enthusiasm from the public than at anytime since 2014, when Karl Rove, speaking for the Republicans, declared the Tea Party dead. The cooperating fake media aided by purging all mention of the Tea Party activities on a national level.

According to the participating Town Criers, Trump was very well received by the people. “It was one of the most energized outings the Town Criers has experienced in sometime. Based on the public’s reaction Trump should win the election in a landslide. Based on Town Crier’s prior experience, we predict that Trump will be the 47th American President. This prediction is conditioned on the premise that the election is not stolen again,” Lance Thate, Town Crier Chairman, announced.

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