“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires
 in people’s minds.”  –Samuel Adams

October 6, 2024

Trump Returns to Butler, PA

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Town Criers Return to St. George Street

On October 5, 2024, Donald Trump returned to Butler, Pennsylvania, determined to complete the rally that he started on July 13, 2024. The July rally was cut short because of an assassination attempt.

As the rally took place in Butler PA, the Town Criers conducted a rally of their own in the historic district of St. Augustine, Florida. The Town Criers have been engaging the public on St. George Street for a little over 13 years. People from every State in the Union visit the oldest City on the North American Continent.

The Town Criers report that they will be making frequent appearances in the historic district between now and the general election in November. Check out the video for details on the Butler and St. Augustine rallies.

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September 30, 2024

Trump Rally on the Street

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The Town Criers of St. Augustine, Florida has been engaging the public in the city’s historic district for the past thirteen years. The people who populate St. George Street are representative of America’s great middle class. Over the years, the Town Criers came to understand that the people on St. George Street make up a middle class focus group. Gauging the public’s reaction to political simulation offers the Town Criers an opportunity to evaluate trends within the middle class and predict future political outcomes. This is particularly true of presidential elections. Accordingly, the Town Crier’s pollster, Dave Heimbold, headed to the historic district to conduct the now famous St. George Street Poll with the question being “Who for President—Trump or Harris”?

Heimbold reports:

“While I was hydrating on a side bench, a super charged cheerleader snatched my sign and bell and did her thing to the delight of scores of tourists on St. George Street...At least 90% of the tourists were Trumpsters on September 28, 2024...Yes, she screwed up my tally on today's poll but Trump's popularity was off the charts.”

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Lance Thate Town Crier founding member

Heimbold continuing:

“Doug Russo, local Town Crier, points to Candidate Kamala Harris for President of the United States. Harris champions abortions and Doug reminds the voters that God hates the shedding of innocent blood with his signs. Doug has been a Town Crier from the beginning, in St. Augustine, following Lance Thate's discovery that the Gadsden Flag drew a crowd! Little did we know, at the time, that Christopher Gadsden was held by the British at the Castillo de San Marcos, during the Revolutionary War. Gadsden's "resistance" as a prisoner gave him the notoriety, and today, DON'T TREAD ON ME is a mark of resistance, as we fight back against the Communist take over of the Government in Washington, DC by Harris and Tampon Tim—both Communists!

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September 24, 2024

They All Want Trump Dead

The CIA, FBI, The Dems, The GOP, DHS, Obama and his Harris/Biden Team, the DOJ and others...

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Combined, they are referred to as the Deep State that makes up Washington, DC and the UniParty which makes it possible. This can only happen when the media is totally compromised and dysfunctional.

They are all in on it.

Since the establishment’s efforts have failed to derail the “Trump Train,” the Deep State now has only one alternative… ASSASSINATION.

They have done it before and it’s clear they are trying now. “Standard Operating Procedure”...The Secret Service reduces efforts and CIA operatives takeout the victim. The shooter or shooters are silenced by “Any Means Necessary.”

There are reports that there are five assassination teams active in the United States. Three are foreign groups and the remaining groups are domestic. Spokesmen for the Deep Start constantly do what Communists have always done. They refer to their opposition as Fascists. Media frequently compares Trump to Hitler to promote violent behavior.

Biden’s DOJ Posts Reward for Trump’s Assassination
In an unprecedented posting, the Biden/Harris‘ DOJ published Ryan Wesley Routh’s offer of a $150,000 reward to the successful assassin of President Trump.

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September 16, 2024

Info-Wars Screenshots

Attempted CIA Assassination in Florida

On September 15, 2024, the combined efforts of the Secret Service, local law enforcement and the public disrupted the assassination plans of Ryan Wesley Routh who targeted Donald J. Trump. The former President was golfing at his property in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Secret Service traveling in advance of the Trump golf party spotted the barrel of a rifle projecting from a wooded area. Gun shots were fired. The would be assassin fled in great haste. Witnesses to the departure, who would later identify Routh, had the forethought to take pictures of the car and its tag. Shortly thereafter, the suspect was stopped in neighboring Martin County while traveling on I-95. The Martin County Sheriff's Department made the arrest.

The Main Stream Media (MSM) took a couple of days to ask the question of how a man who had never been to South Florida knew exactly where to take up a position where he could get a line of sight shot 300 to 500 yards from where Trump would be and know when to do it. Trump’s golf outing was not on his schedule.

On September 15, the Alex Jones Show exposed connections that other news outlets didn’t get around to for a couple of days. There is no way a small time home contractor from North Carolina could take up residency in Hawaii and then travel to the Ukraine without aid from some source. Weapons violations, that would have required jail time, were smoothed over. Jones is reporting that Routh is connected to intelligence agencies.

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Info-Wars Screenshots w/ Oswald

Evidence shows that what happened in Dallas in 1963 is very similar to what happened in Butler on July 13, 2024. If this is true, former President Trump is in great danger. There are forces within our government who are determined to prevent Trump from returning to the White House and they are willing to use ‘any means necessary’. Now on September 15th, yet another attempt having many similarities to Dallas occurs. In Dallas we had a bizarre character in Lee Harvey Oswald—a dead President followed by a dead shooter. In West Palm Beach we have a bizarre character in Ryan Wesley Routh, which could have played Info-Wars Screenshots out in the same manner as Dallas, but failed because of a conscientious Secret Service agent who interrupted the process. According to Alex Jones, Routh appears to be CIA connected just as Oswald was. CIA and FBI fingerprints are all over the latest attempt at killing former President Trump.

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September 9, 2024

The Demise 
of the SATP

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There was a time when the Saint Augustine Tea Party (SATP) met 4 or 5 times a month. The meetings were considered important because they planned public appearances and the 2 open meetings provided a sense of belonging, were a source of revenue, and a source of new Town Criers.                                                  

In 2010, SATP members, with great excitement, supported the GOP in an effort to “Flip the House” and put an end to Obama’s transformation of America to Communism. Naively Tea Party members expected the GOP to defund Obama’s Communist agenda when they got control of the House of Representatives. Instead the Communist agenda is funded to this day.

Tea Party values created a lot of negative publicity against the GOP from grassroots members. Republicans instinctively avoid any publicity. So in 2014, Karl Rove, speaking for the Republican State Parties, declared the Tea Parties dead on Fox News. A MSM blackout of Tea Party news clinched the deal.
The SATP survived for nearly a decade past the failure of nearby Tea Parties. Those who loved the Tea Party from the surrounding five counties attended SATP meetings. They did so because the SATP was still the “Real Thing.” Tea Party meetings were only important insofar as they supported public appearances on the streets and in governmental meetings. They were FUN events...like a Trump rally.

Following the retirement of SATP’s long standing Chairman and founding member, Lance Thate, at the Annual Meeting on July 13, 2021, Shawn Morrison, Dave Heimbold and Missi Davis were elected as SATP Board members. At the Annual Meeting on July 12, 2022 Dave Heimbold retired and Jason Davis replaced Heimbold. After a successful first term, this completely new board was reelected on July 11, 2023 by acclamation.

The Rapid Decline of the SATP

The first step to the demise surfaced shortly after the SATP’s 2023 election. On a Tea Party Telegram chat, Missi Davis made a comment to the effect that her loyalty was to North Florida Patriots (NFP) first and foremost. [NFP is a FB group formed by Jamie Parham in 2020 Ed] Her husband, Jason Davis, revealed his contempt for Town Crier activity suggesting that Town Crier was just a silly dress up theatrical with trivial conversations with St. Augustine's tourists.

The first NFP seeds of SATP’s demise had been planted. NFP’s acknowledged leader, Jamie Parham, suggested SATP events should be scaled back to just the most effective ones. In addition Parham recommended cutting back the number of meetings.

In the last year of the SATP, the Dartmouth's appearance in every parade possible was reduced to one parade...the Christmas Parade in St. Augustine. The promotion of public meetings stopped and the meetings became what was called “an open mic meeting.” But no microphone was necessary as attendance dropped to a handful of people. The SATP’s membership had no interest in hearing over and over about the chaos occurring in the local REC meetings. After a few months all meetings were suspended. The last SATP event occurred with the 4th of July 2024 event at the Castillo de San Marcos. Then the SATP leadership failed to conduct the only required meeting called for according to SATP’s bylaws. The failure to hold the Annual Meeting on July 9, 2024, for the election of board members and officers, effectively terminated the SATP organization.

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Shawn Morrison, the most recent Chairman of the SATP suggested that the loss of attendance was due to the advancing age of Tea Party members. There is an element of truth in that opinion. This was certainly true of the massive reduction of Town Crier events. The last two events had no one participating below the age of 80. The source of younger Town Crier participates had always been from the SATP’s public meetings, Town Criers revealed.
Independence Day 2024 Castillo de San Marcos

In an interview with Lance Thate, a Founding Member and former SATP Chairman, Thate said:

“I have said on numerous occasions that I had respect for Jamie Parham because he was one of a few Republicans who was willing to take to the streets to fight for a noble cause—that being the struggle to save the “Veteran Memorials.” When the monuments were removed in 2020, Parham returned to his activities in the local REC. In 2021 when Biden seized the White House, many conservative Republicans joined their local REC hoping to curb what was coming. At that time Parham had the opportunity to take control over the SJC-REC. TCCR wrote numerous favorable articles. As conditions changed TCCR reported accordingly. Suddenly, I became the enemy. Being the perceived enemy of NFP will develop into name calling that terminates conversation, which is a tactic used by Communists. I have been a grassroots political activist for15 years. I spent most of my time bringing people together. Jamie Parham, his family and Missi Davis are the political face of the NFP. I must say that NFP has alienated more conservatives then any political group I have come into contact with.”

This is a continuing story. As stated before, we will preserve the legacy of the SATP for posterity. Rest assured, the intellectual assets are secure.
It is with deep regret that we have to report the demise of the SATP. Details regarding this development will be forthcoming.

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September 1, 2024

TCCR Completes Thirteen Years of Publication

With the closing of this issue TCCR marks the completion TCCR Staff Photo of thirteen years of publication. We have faithfully reported the activities of the Saint Augustine Tea Party and the Town Criers. We have been the voice of the grassroots populist movement that started as the “Tea Party Movement” on April 15, 2009. The movement has since moved on to become the “America First Movement.” The history of that growth in Northeast Florida is archived on the Town Crier Committee website at www.staugtea.com .

Volume 13 Issue 01 featured two articles. The first was an editorial by Lance Thate, entitled Beginnings and Endings. The second was a staff piece entitled “What will Make the Saint Augustine Tea Party Great Again?”. Accompanying the former article were pages and pages of photographs demonstrating the extraordinary engagement of the SATP with the public and with public officials. The SATP was truly great,

At the time, it wasn't certain whether or not Volume 13 issue 01 would be the final report. But as each month proceeded, the TCCR volunteers just couldn’t “throw in the towel.” Those responsible for getting this publication out come from a generation that believes you TCCR Staff Photo 11/2011 can’t lose if you don't quit.

According to our Editor:

“That doesn’t mean you just go ahead banging your head against a brick wall. No. You adjust for changing conditions by taking your losses and starting anew. But you never quit. As it turned out the SATP Computer Technical Consultant, Bob Kuczewski an early SATP member, spent several months at Camp Liberty. Bob proved that you can teach “an old dog new tricks.” The result of Bob’s effort has got me creating videos. To date TCCR has produced 13 videos. Producing stories and videos and posting them on various social media platforms is sort of like putting a note in a bottle and casting it into the ocean. You never know where it will end up. Recently, I was searching DC Patriot and I came across a “Chairman’s Report.” I started reading it and it was really quite good. It turned out to be something I wrote about 6 years ago. Currently, the TCCR is alive and functioning better than at anytime in its past. This is because of the volunteers who make it possible. Over the years our skill sets have improved—the webmaster, proof reader, the web hosting service and the various guest authors who contribute to our original source material publication. I thank you all. This publication will continue because the grassroots story in Northeast Florida is not over yet. And there is another reason which is to keep the legacy of the Tea Party intact. In these troubling times, it is important to preserve the grassroots history for posterity. There are those who would live off the efforts of those who came before them. This publication will resist those efforts that are now known as “Stolen Valor.” The Town Criers have been sounding the alarm for 13 years and it is preserved on the website. The next six months could be something no American has seen on American soil, ever. Sometimes I feel like the radio operator on the Titanic. He kept sending distress signals until the ship’s generators failed and the ship broke up and sank.”

Next month’s report will mark the beginning of the fourteenth year of publication.


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