“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires
 in people’s minds.”  –Samuel Adams


Time & Location

Open Public meetings
 on the Second and Fourth
Tuesdays every month
at 6:30 pm

Norma D's Kitchen
224 N. Main
Hasting FL 32145

May 1, 2024

Reprint of Article published here on May 1, 2013

The Culture Shock of May Day
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In the span of 75 years, May Day has gone from ‘May Baskets’ with flowers to Labor Day and now to chaos. Clearly, these people pictured here and those who demonstrated in Seattle are not laborers. These spoiled, uninformed groupies do not work. They live off the system. They are the anarchists who are here to usher in the repugnant philosophy of Barack Obama. These occupiers, anarchists, socialists, communists, and the like, are un-American. Real Americans, as defined by our historic cultural experience, are born in and love Liberty. True red-blooded Americans are defined in the concept of individual liberty, self-reliance, and they are a moral people. The educational system that exists today excludes these concepts. It distorts our history and the meaning of words. It is no wonder that our youth emerge from the educational factories of socialism and communism as strangers. Political correctness originated in the Soviet Union. There is no room for political correctness in America

[The Town Crier Report sounded this warning 11 years ago, still true. Ed]

April 22, 2024

A Book Review:
Blood Money
by Peter Schweizer
A Tale of Unrestricted Warfare

Early on in the book, Blood Money, Peter Schweizer makes reference to the ancient Chinese strategist, Sun Tzu, who postulated that “the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as far back as Mao has understood that conventional or nuclear war with the United States was not winnable. Therefore, Sun Tzu’s principles renamed “disintegration warfare” were implemented. This war is conducted by using deception. To expose the CCP’s acts of war the author has divided the book into four parts.

Part I deals with the new opium wars. China was an opium war victim during the nineteenth century as European powers imposed drug trade on the Chinese. The CCP sees their new opium war as payback.They know firsthand from their own history how effective it is. The drug wars have been going on for over fifty years and the latest phase is the fentanyl crisis. There is no part of the fentanyl production and distribution that the CCP is not involved with. China produces the basic chemicals that make up fentanyl—the pill making machines complete with fake markings that create finished product and the transport, including ports of entry in the western hemisphere, that the Chinese manage. In addition, the CCP controls illegal gangs that distribute the drugs and finally the money laundering to clean up the transactions. The book points out that fentanyl is illegal in China itself. Fentanyl is being created for export to western countries and to the United States in particular.
Part II deals with CCP’s arming criminals with illegal gun parts; for example, making popular gun models fully automatic. The CCP funds organizations such as BLM and Antifa to magnify social chaos and violence. The CCP has an interest in cyberspace attacks on other countries including the United States. Elaborate systems for funding on ground and on line operations are detailed in the book.

Part III deals primarily with TikTok and the damage it is doing to American youth. TikTok algorithms gather huge amounts of data on those who use it. The effects of social media disinformation extends to other platforms such as Facebook, Google and YouTube. The book details the control of the CCP on American children. In addition, the ill effects of digital entertainment are exposed. CCP controlled companies are now becoming producers of Hollywood film productions. This is resulting in the rewriting of history in which the CCP model is replacing the American model.

Part IV deals with the Chinese bio-attack on the world. The book reveals massive disinformation about the origin of the COVID virus and its effects on human beings. The book describes how the Chinese played down the virus while stockpiling vast amounts of related medical supplies which were later sold back at great profit. It is not known whether the COVID virus was willfully released or accidentally released. What the book reports is that once the virus was exposed to the public in Wuhan, it was willfully exported to the world while protecting the spread of COVID in China itself.

For informed Patriots, much of the information in this book is known. For the great majority who are just beginning to ask questions, this book will provide understanding they need to know for what’s coming and to help define who the enemy truly is. Many books that report to know what’s ailing America point out the problem and ask why. Few answer the question. Blood Money asks the question “why” and answers it in great detail with places and personalities. The book is about a 200 word read and has 100 pages of foot notes. It is very well documented.

Informed and not so well-informed readers will come to understand why America’s policy makers are turning a blind eye. Communist systems simply do not work. Workers pretend to work and the Communists pretend to pay them. The real economy in a Communist society is underground. Black markets which feed on corruption prevail and our politicians are being bought with extremely profitable dark money investments in China.

Recently many Americans have come to understand that the people who make up the Federal Government are corrupt on a scale never before imagined, the fentanyl and opium war is killing tens of thousands each year. In 2020 this nation was attacked by a bio-weapon which killed untold numbers of Americans. The United States is under attack at our southern border. It is a covert war or “Unrestricted War” as defined by the CCP. WWIII has started. When one sells out his country for personal gain in a time of war, it is defined by the U.S. Constitution as an act of treason, one of the few crimes defined in the Constitution.

We have written this book review because Blood Money illustrates why there is so much disorder going on. We plan to create two videos based on the ideas contained in Blood Money. The first one will be on the Fentanyl War. The 2nd video will be on the COVID Bio-Weapon attack.

We are being distracted by those in Washington with wars in the Mideast and Ukraine, when the real Unrestricted War is underway by China to take America down for the benefit of the New World Order.

April 15, 2024

Two Anniversaries The Tea Party
TCCR Staff Photo

On April 15, 2009, the Tea Party Movement was born. Rallies across the Country had upwards to 750,000 Patriots participating. The exact number of groups formed is unknown. It is estimated that over 1000 groups formed.

Pictured are Lance Thate, Billy Tucker and Dave Heimbold. They were there on the day America started its awakening. They would provide the leadership for the movement in Northeast Florida in those founding days. Celebrating 15 years.

On April 15, 1994 Alex Jones started Info- Wars. Thirty years ago today marks the beginning of Alex Jones’ broadcast career. From the beginning Alex Jones reported on subjects the media would not touch. The problem for the left was the general public followed his reports because Jones provided news that proved to be correct.

Today Jones is under attack from the Communists, which caused a profitable enterprise into bankruptcy. Jones considers the attacks as proof that his efforts have been successful. Happy 30th Alex.

TCCR Screenshot

April 12, 2024

There Are Those Who Love Taking From We The People

Can You Figure Out Who They Are?
by Author CS Bennett                             
Bennett Photo
They want to take away our freedom of speech
They want to take away our gun rights
They want to take away our privacy rights
They want to take away our religious freedom
They want to take away our money via excessive taxation
They want to take away our reliable gas powered cars         
They want to take the lives of the unprotected unborn
They want to take away our property rights
They want to take away our rights to a fair trial
They want to take away our US Constitution
They want to take away our rights as parents
They want to take away our right to peacefully protest
They want to take away our electoral college
They want to take away our free market system
They want to take away our once secured voting protocols
They want to defund and take away our local police force
They want to take away our border walls

Frankly, they have achieved nearly sixty percent of the above

Aaah, but if you are an illegal alien, there’s not enough they can give away to these illegal interlopers, some of them spies, agitators and terrorists…

We have to fight back by taking the offensive. We cannot expect our legislators to defend us or fight for what we so cherish.

We have to fight back by taking the offensive. We cannot expect our legislators to defend us or fight for what we so cherish.

In the name of the principles this republic was founded on, we must rise and reclaim everything they have taken away from us… We have to end the reign of the takers, or we will never know or enjoy life as we remember it growing up…

Patriots of our past have fought for what they believed in, and we can do no less during our generation. Should we fail, there may not be another opportunity to right this sinking ship we know as the United States of America.

Will you join me, or will you sit on the sidelines and complain? Will you engage the enemies of freedom and liberty or submit to their will?
For sure, some things are worth fighting for, others worth dying for. All I am asking is what are you willing to stand up for?

I don't fear our enemies. What I fear is our complacency. As a decorated Gulf War Veteran, I choose to fight.

By the way, have you figured out who these people are who would subjugate us? I know who they are and what major political party that is behind this not-so-silent coup and their RINO accomplices. They are no longer hiding themselves or their agenda in the shadows.

May the Divine Father, YAHWEH continue to intervene on our behalf hence now and forever more.

To this I say to all patriots, let's get off of our duffs and stop fighting each other and get this done in August and November, 2024. Years from now, your offsprings will thank you for your heroics.

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April 2, 2024

Is this the Latest Battlefield of WW3
There are Many Battles Going On
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There is a culture war underway. Values, meanings and words are under attack. There are also physical attacks as well.

Food sources are being attacked on a variety of fronts. Land is being bought up by those who damage production. Fertilizers are under the control of people who are not America’s best friend. Food processing centers are being burned down. The same is true of energy facilities and their distribution networks. Cyber attacks are being more and more prevalent.

The border is being invaded by military age males from a large number of countries. Elections can no longer be trusted to be true expressions of the people. Crime and violence is being encouraged by government officials. Governmental departments are being weaponized against the middle class. The media is dysfunctional and most Americans are being fed disinformation.

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Is this the face of modern warfare? Has WW3 already started. Check out our video for expert opinion.

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